Phil D. Jay
WBN Editor
Celebrities targets of bogus websites
The new wave of parody websites, like the one that spoofed a
Mike Tyson sex-change story, is capable of duping worldwide websites into
believing in stories that have no validity from the outset.
Certain sites, which WBN will not name, specifically write
untrue stories to gain notoriety and cover their own tracks on slander by adding a tiny
small-print at the bottom of the article, which can easily be missed.
This was certainly the case when an impossible story of
former world heavyweight champion Tyson undergoing a sex-change operation,
which included ‘comments’ by the newly-proud female Mike, was mistaken by
reputable sites as genuine.
Tyson even made a point of clearing up questions asked by
baffled reporters from Africa and Aisa in particular, who unbelievably ran with the story as if it had actually
gone ahead and the former fighter was now a female.
It just goes to show that celebrities in this digital and internet age are never safe
from this type of deception, now matter how big or small, and some news stations
should take a look at themselves for being caught out by such a ludicrous story as this.